The Married Wanderers
Jen  & Rudolph Raath

Typical South African: English girl meets Afrikaans boy
He said hello (2009), she said YES (2014), they said I do (2015)

We have always tried to made travel a “fixed expense” in our budget! Sometimes that budget allows us to travel Europe or backpack Southeast Asia for 8 months. Other (more common times), it allows us to pitch our tent somewhere cosy and beautiful within Cape Town.

Either way, travel is always a priority, and always our absolute favorite thing to do as a couple!!

We don’t have a set travel style or destination type. The world is far too big and beautiful and diverse to feel pressured to “choose a niche”. But we do love the beach, the bush and pretty much anywhere outdoors!

Together we have the confidence to stop dreaming and start planning!!

As a couple, we see travel as an investment in to our relationship! We are constantly learning how to be a team and how to make our marriage work. Traveling together is the ultimate connection to understanding what makes each of us happy, inspired, fulfilled and even stressed.

Occasionally escaping from routines, work, people and any of the daily factors that impact our mood and way of thinking is incredibly important to us! There’s just something about escaping to a beautiful beach hut or sleeping under the stars after a hard hike that puts our priorities back in track! 

We have always loved helping our friends and families to plan their own trips. We hope that our blog posts can inspire or assist in your travels too. 

“What is marriage if not a grand adventure?”

Our background

Child of the 90s | UCT Postgrad: Marketing Management
Profession: Founder of Burnt Orange Creative – Digital Marketing

Child of the 90s | BTech in Project Management
Profession: Project Director at Metro Roof (Construction)


We have been nominated for the Liebster Award and the Versatile Bloggers Award.


 Article about ‘The Married Wanderers’ on
The Daily Mail – Daily Mail Article
@BecomingYou Blog – Meet Jen and Rudolph


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