Taj Mahal – how to get your instagram shot

#doitforthegram 😉

You can’t visit India without getting your shot at the infamous Taj Mahal !! It truly is an architectural and cultural WONDER and well worthy of a beautiful travel capture to reminisce over. So here is our guide on how to take your insta-worthy photo:

Our #doitforthegram Guide to the Taj Mahal

Beat the crowds

So tourists are pretty hard to avoid – but we somehow managed to get people-free pics. First, get to the front of the entrance (East Gate is the fastest route to the Taj) half an hour before it opens !! As soon as it opens, make sure you’re in the front and start running the second you’re in (we know, so dramatic)!!

Taj Mahal is open 30 min before sunrise and up to 30 min before sunset during normal operating days. See website for more details Taj Mahal timing

Get to the Secret Spot asap

While most people stop at the first sight of the Taj, you’re gonna run right past it! Below is a picture of the first sight you’ll see – taken by the lovely Two Blue Passports. We realised that you’e only really going to have time for one people-less pic before the crowds swarm in. This will be the spot everyone will compete for and thus our recommendation to run right past it. *But if this is the pic you’ve always dreamed of then go for it!!!

The first sight of the Taj

So when you see the above pool, keep to the left and run straight down until you see these dark passageway into the red sandstone walls (where Rudi is standing below). This is the less obvious photo spot.


Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

Once inside, you’re going to have to get your shots quickly before the millions of tourists start making their way down and block your view of the Taj. We ran straight into the darkness, put our camera on the floor nestled on our backpack (strictly no tripods allowed at the Taj) and started our shoot.

Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

Zoom out

Now that you’ve got a good shot for your home, fridge or for your momma – take a second to walk back out and soak up the pure artistry that is the Taj Mahal. It is without a doubt an absolute beauty!! By now the sun has risen and the crowds are in full flock ..

Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

What we’ve learnt, is to acknowledge that we’ve got the shot we came for, and that having 50 more pics at the same place is just not necessary when you could rather be wandering around without frantic intention. One solid shot is all you need! The rest is a bonus ..

Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

Alternative shots

Another awesome spot to take a picture of the Taj is just outside the entrance, on the lake. We didn’t do this due to time and budget – but @Kiwisoffcourse did and it looks amazing:

taj mahal

As did @musingsofareader :

taj mahal

What to wear to the Taj Mahal

The rules are: No knees (and higher) or chest must be visible. You also have to remove your shoes at some sections so sandals (bought in India) work well.

*On another note, we’ve read a few blogs that recommend ladies wear big baggy t-shirts and those typical “Asia pants” just to be safe (you know, the ones with the elephant print that everyone buys on their first trip to Thailand).

Just thought we would note that just because there are dress restrictions doesn’t mean you have to arrive in your pjs ;).. If photography is your main aim or you just love to dress up like Jen, then bright colours, beautiful long dresses and flowy scarfs that blow in the wind are ideal ;).

Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

How amazing is @mamacastilho in this shot:

taj mahal

How to get to Agra

Let’s get you to the Taj Mahal!! You can either take a train trip or flight into Agra. It’s 3 hours train journey from Delhi and a 1 hour flight from Mumbai. Train tickets can be purchased online through this website IRCTC. If you a foreigner, this website explains how to register and book online seat62. 

Where to Stay in Agra

We were on a very tight backpacking budget at the time and therefore stayed at this super reasonable but also well located guesthouse under 15 US per night – Hotel Sai Palace. This place has sweet views of the Taj as well as a delicious restaurant on the roof overlooking the Taj.

However if you have money to spend, there are such beautiful resorts such as the The Oberoi Amarvilas Agra Hotel.

Simple but perfect double bed with en-suite & air-con

Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

Upstairs restaurant with Taj Mahal views

Taj Mahal - how to get your instagram shot

Yummy restaurant food

Sneak peak to our Taj experience:

View more of our trips on our travel blog.